The Next Generation Office Management System
Quality meets Affordability

About us

With a strong focus on adaptability, we offer Office Management System (OMS) modules that can be tailored to cater to the specific needs of any industry or domain.Our journey began with a dynamic client from the Business and Finance sector, inspiring us to craft a bespoke Task Management System exclusively for them. This tailor-made solution not only streamlined their day-to-day operations but also played a pivotal role in enhancing the company's overall performance and profitability.We take pride in our commitment to excellence. In the last few months, we've grown alongside our client, with approximately 30 users actively engaging with our system on a daily basis. Their valuable feedback has been the cornerstone of our success, driving us to continually improve the user experience.Listening to our users, we've incorporated their feedback and expanded our system to incorporate over 20-30 specific features that encompass a Complete Office Management System. These enhancements ensure that our technology aligns perfectly with your evolving needs.

Functional Modules of our N-OMS in perspective of a Client as Organization.

For us, each Client is an Organization and whoever pays the Organization for their service are their clients.

Financial Task Configuration

In Financial domain, each task may have a Periodicity. There are multiple periodic tasks like Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly, Monthly and each period has a due date given by the government agencies. These configurations can be done easily in our system without redoing it everytime. Admin can also update a configuration easily.

Task Management for a Client

When a Client approaches an your firm to perform a particular Task, we can use this system to add that Task and use it to track until it is billed. You can assign this task to multiple users, ask users to review, edit the assignee and reviewers, mark it as completed when its done.

Automated Task Creation based on Criteria

Ex: In Financial Domain,an Organization who is taking care of the GST returns of a Client needs to do it for every month. At the start of every month, these tasks need to be auto created and assigned it to specific users. Another example is: If an Org wants to create GST returns task of a Client for last 2 years.

Task Reporting and Dashboards

Reports on Tasks which are not completed yet and Reports on Completed Tasks. You can see different perspectives like Assignee Report, Reviewer Report, Client Report etc. Insights on which tasks is more, on which day there are most tasks have their due dates.

Office Calendar

A User can see all the tasks which are due on a particular date based on their role. An Admin can see who all are on leave or working on a particular date. He/She can also view the Tasks Completed, Invoices Created etc

Task Distribution Report

A User can see the distribution of tasks across all the users and see which user is highly occupied and who has very less tasks.User can also see on which dates most number of tasks are due.

Worklog against a Task

A User can add hours he/she worked against a task. This can help in analysing if a particular task took more time than expected. This information will help in the billing aspect.

Task Messaging

Assignee or Reviewer can message against a Task of a Client and tag any user in a message. This can keep the communication thread happened for a particular task of a Client and can be checked for future references. Just like WhatsApp, an Assignee or Reviewer can see the new messages number on the message icon.

Task Snoozing

Sometimes a Task cannot be completed or blocked because of some reasons and it can be only resumed after a specific date. Ex: A Client is only available after 10 days. A User can snooze those tasks and provide a date. After that Date, the task will come back to his/her Primary task list

Task Prioritization

Sometimes a user needs to have a Priority order in which Tasks needs to be completed. He/She can move them to Priority List and use Drag/Drop to change the priority and save.

Task TODO List

Sometimes a user needs to have a personal ToDo list and mark it as completed when its done.

Sub Tasks

Admin can configure sub tasks for a Task and can be auto assigned to some users whenever the Parent task is created. Sub tasks will have the same look and feel of a Task.

File Upload/Download on a Task-Client Association

We provide feature to upload any set of files against a particular task of a client. Any authorized user can see the file history tree of that client and download the files needed to complete the task. We keep audits of who uploads and downloads. We provide drag/drop of folders and also download a folder as zip from the file history tree.

Task-Client Timeline

You can see all the activities/events from the start to end happened for a Task of a Client as a timeline view.

Task Analytics

Admin can use this UI for explorative search on the Tasks with multiple filters.

Task Export as Excel file

User can export all the Task data to csv/excel file

Invoice Creation for a Completed Task

Creation of downloadable Invoice PDF with a previewer for the tasks completed for a Client. We also provide QR code inside the PDF for UPI payment. The invoices will be linked to Clients and can easily searched whenever required.

Invoice Reporting

Insightful reports on Task Invoices which can give you the earnings of the Organization, earnings per client, etc which can be only viewed by Admins.

User Onboarding, Authentication-Authorization and Life-cycle Management

Create, Update, Activate, De-activate different User Personas in your Organization. Assign roles,restrict access,manage their files and activities etc. You dont need to use any other identity management system. We are providing it in our solution.User will get onboarding email which you can configure and he/she can reset the password once onboarded and reset it in any point of time. Admins can deactivate a user easily when he/she is not part of Organization anymore.

User Activities and Notifications

A User can see all the activities he/she performed on a day. Also he/she will get notifications which are intended for him/her. They can see these previous notifications and have a search as well

User Evaluation Report

Admin can assign difficulty level and hours needed to complete a task and we can create an User Evaluation Report for all the users.

User Events Monitoring

An Admin can see the activities performed by a User on a particular day. Ex: If a User has uploaded a file against a task, admin can see it from this User Monitoring UI. Filter options are provided to select a particular user email and see his/her activities.

User Leave Management

User (Employee) can apply for leaves based on the availability and also see their status and history. Admins/Managers can approve/reject and see the leave history and dashboard of Users.

User Attendance Management

User (Employee) can start their work time and pause it when they are not working. If a User forgets to start or stop time for a day, they can regularize it. Admins can view the hours each user worked on any day and also view the worklog dashboard.

User Reward Management

User(Employee) can be rewarded based on their performance. An Admin can configure the rewards and present it to User based on a Criteria.

Client Management of an Organization

Create,Update,Activate,De-activate different Clients approaching an Organization for a service. Ex: If N-OMS is being used by a company named "XYZ" and another company who wants to fill GST returns for every month is a client for "XYZ".

Support for Client Branches

Sometimes a Client can have multiple branches and we may need to add tasks for them separately. It is also possible that the bill needs to be sent to another. We have this facility in our system to change the biller in the invoice because of this branch concept.

Client Reports

Different Client based reports like which client has more tasks completed or in-progress, which client has given more revenue over the time etc. You can also see which User has worked majorly for a particular Client.

Client Inventory Management - DSC (Digital Signature Card) and Documents

We can keep track of all the Client Documents and other artifacts which are recieved from the client like Digital Signature Card etc.

Client Events Monitoring

Admin can see all the User activities against a particular Client task. Admin can use the filters to see the respective task data.

Client Portal

A Premium Client can get a portal where they can login and keep track of all the files and Tasks. In this portal, they can upload files related to the task, initiate communication, view the status of the tasks and see the invoices.

Holiday Calendar

An Admin can configure the Holiday calendar for the Organization

Organization Profile - Birthdays, Posts, People on Leave

Users can see Birthdays and see who all are on leave today. Admin can add posts into organization profile and users can view them.

Admin Management UI

Admin can replace an User who is leaving the Firm/Company with other user in all the tasks which he/she was handling. Admin can add, update organization level configurations and make them active or inactive.

Main features of our N-OMS

We step into the Client's shoes before we design and implement

Modern and Professional UI Design and Experience

We have researched on different user personas interactions with the UI and designed the flow based on the role and persona. Since we are using React, there are plenty of Open Source Libraries we re-use and hence reduction in the Cost.

Responsive and Mobile-Friendly

Adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices to ensure a consistent experience.


We can change the look, feel and flow as per the Client requirements. We can also add/remove/edit any functional modules. We can also tailor this N-OMS product to support any Client domain.

Easy to configure and use

We have made special provisions to configure each functionality for the Admins.Also our UI is inspired by Microsoft Excel and we have tried our level best to make UI self teaching.

Audit and Security

Only Authenticated and Authorized user can enter the system. Each action of an User is audited and the admins can go through the Audit events and search. We are using AWS services for all the file storages which is specific to a Client. Also,we will never use the same DB as one client. It will be separate. Hence the security is highest

Can easily add more modules as per request

Our architecture is extendible and hence we can easily add more modules as per the Client request

Discover the impressive impact of N-OMS

The numbers below reflect the trust our users have placed in us and the remarkable outcomes we've helped them achieve.

Tasks Created
Satisfied Client or Clients

Partnerships & Collaborations

At N-OMS, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive innovation and create exceptional experiences.

Node JS

What makes us different?

True Engineers who are good listeners and offer Low Cost Architecture as per the Client's requirements and budget. We will take care of the performance, security, maintenance and configuration of the Product.

Our Team

We are lead and guided by group of IT Solution Architects who are certified in AWS (Associate and Professional). User experience is defined by our Full Stack Developers working from India and U.K. We have other team mates collaborating from Sweden, France and Ireland. Our Agile Scrum masters are certified and are in India and Canada. Our Business development team is in India, U.S and Canada. Our Quality Automation Head is from India.

Our Tech Stack

We use Typescript for React based Frontend and Backend and hence Nodejs is our development platform. AWS for our deployments and other services. We rely on Docker to ship our artifacts to Cloud. We use Serverless for our asynchronous tasks. Among Databases, our expertise lies in DynamoDB and MongoDB. Redis is our caching tool. Selenium is for QA and Jira/Confluence for Sprint planning and execution.

Technical Support

Our support team is 24/7 active as they are located across the globe

What services do we provide as a Team?

We offer Product Creation and Support, Technical Consultation, Solutioning, Architecture Review, Proof of concept (POC) creation, User Experience Design, Security review of Code, Architecture and the Infrastructure.

Listen to the Client and Make POCs (Proof of Concepts)

Our initial discussions always revolve around the problems a Client face and How we as a Team can help them to solve their problem. We start with Proof of Concepts on what we understood about the problem and give demonstrations until the Client can trust on our abilities and move ahead with the Product creation.

Create Product Architecture based on Client Requirements

Some clients may have bigger budget and some have very restricted, some have concerns about security and some have performance related expectations, yet they want to have minimal set of features. Our Engineering and the Product team is empathetic and they can adapt and understand the priorities of the client and then design the solution accordingly and meet the minimal expectations.

Higly performant Feature Delivery and Support

Happy User Experience and Performance First is our Mantras. As a Team, we try to understand the Data requirements for any feature and test the performance thoroughly through automation testing. To diagnose a problem in the system, we have a good audit/monitoring system where we can see what's happening.

Continuous Client Feedback Incorporation

We create Products as the same way a Client dream about. So, in each demo, we try to uderstand the user experience and get the feedback and fix them in the next Demo and get it approved.

Separate Cloud Resources/Environment for each Client to avoid Noisy Neighbour issues

We create Products as the same way a Client dream about. So in each demo, we try to uderstand the user experience and get the feedback and fix them in the next Demo and get it approved.

Technical Support

We setup a team specifically to support the Client issues and also make sure the support team can solve any technical issues related to the product and deploy to the Client Production Environment

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Motto of N-OMS? Why this Team has developed such a Product?

Affordable Help - That's our simplest Motto. Current Software Solutions in this domain are priced based on a User license and we want to disrupt that practice by unleashing Organization level license where they can actually focus on their Company goals without worrying about the Office Management activities. Our aim is to help Organizations grow and we grow along with them.

Each Organization/Firm/Company has their own domain and tasks. How N-OMS will help in managing their day to day activities?

We have some pre-built modules that we can adapt as per the requirements of Organization/Firm/Company in very short span of time. Since the modules are already tested and verified, we can mould them to work the way a new Organization wants. Also, we have the Engineering capabilities to make changes as per the needs and feedback.

When and Why should I contact N-OMS Team?

If you want a simple, easy, self teaching UI experience. If you want a low cost, organization level Software Solution that can take care of all my day to day operations. If you want to scale your business without thinking to manage the Company Resources and Processes. If you have an Idea and need someone to implement and deliver a working version in very short span of time.

Can I have my own domain(url) for my organization? How secure will be my organization Data?

Yes, we will provide you a separate domain for your organization and your data will not be kept together with other organization. The servers will be different, files will be kept separate and the Database will also be separate. Since it's an Organization level deployment, you can scale to any number of users/branches etc.

What will happen to the Data if my organization stop the subscription/plan?

We have the provision to give back all the files and Data we have stored as part of the plan. We believe in Transparency and a healthy business and will always help our Client/Organization to move forward in their goals/targets in all possible ways.

If my organization has very few users, and I only need 4-5 modules, what will be my cost?

We will help you with a simple Architecture and very low-cost deal, where we can provide N-OMS for your specific needs and cost constraints. Our package is dependent on the performance and data requirements, not on the number of users in the Organization.

How N-OMS can provide affordable Org level license? Is it a marketing gimmick just like Reliance Jio where initially you keep a low price and then increase the price later?

Our expertise is in AWS Cloud Engineering and we have partnered with AWS for our entire Cloud Services. We design and architect a solution specifically for an Organization/Firm/Company based on their requirements and budget. Since, its a customized architecture, cost significantly reduces as it is equivalent to Pay as You Use.Ex: If your Org data is less, you pay less. If you are a big Org, with a requirement of more scalability, performance and large data needs (100 GBs or TBs), you pay more.If you need only 4-5 modules, you pay less.

Let us know how we can help

We’re here to help and answer any question you might have.